Jupiter's Water System near completion on nanofiltration

Conern over our water supply has long been on the minds of citizens.  First, people made the switch to bottled water, but it is widely suspected the BPA, which is in these water bottles (and all soda cans and canned foods) has harmful health effects.  However, the Town of Jupiter has long been recognized for the quality of its water.

Jupiter’s water treatment plant has been recognized by the EPA during three of the past 10 years as being the best large ground water treatment system in the entire Southeastern United States. The new Nanofiltration facility will help to ensure that level of performance and drinking water quality for many years to come.

Even so, the Water System is upgrading to Nanofiltration.  It’s called Nanofiltration Membrane Water Treatment, and it will complement the existing Reverse Osmosis water treatement method to ensure the best possible drinking water quality for Jupiter. The new technology will help Jupiter’s Utility continue to achieve best-inclass water quality, and meet strict future guidelines set by the EPA.

In addition, the new facility will bring Jupiter’s daily water production capacity to 30 million gallons per day. Funding for the facility came through connection fees, renewal and replacement reserves, and debt. It will allow Jupiter to utilize the best available treatment technologies to maintain our community water supply and the local environment.

Does Jupiter sound like a great place to live?  You bet it is!  Hop on over to my website to learn more: