Tequesta: Strawberry Festival this Saturday

Winter is strawberry season here in Florida.  The most common sight is a pickup parked beside the road with a sign that read something like, "Plant City Strawberries".  Plant City is near Tampa and is known for it's strawberries.

First Presbyterian Church's Strawberry Festival, famous for its homemade strawberry jam, includes a Bakery, Trifles & Treasures Shoppe, Jewelry & Boutique, toy shop, two book stores, children's activities, Lunch Cafe, a silent auction and strawberry shortcake. All shops are indoors, so the Festival is open rain or shine this Saturday from 9-1:00.  Just follow the strawberries north on Island Way or west on County Line Road to the church.

So, this weekend you have a choice of the Strawberry Festival, Beach Clean-up, & Celebrity Dog Wash.  Is this a great place to live?  You bet it is!!

Here are some other places you might like to check out: